In the social ladder of Maycomb, Mr. Walter Cunningham, and the entire Cunningham family more generally, occupies a unique position between the middle class and what the characters often refer to as “white trash.” He is wealthy enough to own a small piece of land, but he has no money to pay for goods and services. While this financial position may seem unfeasible, many residents in Maycomb trust Mr. Cunningham to keep his word and allow him to carry on as is.

A majority of the early information regarding the Cunningham family dynamic comes from Scout, and the image she offers depicts a man too proud to ask for help yet honorable enough to respect those who do provide assistance. Atticus is one of such people, advising Mr. Cunningham about his legal issues. When the status quo in Maycomb begins to change as a result of the Robinson trial, however, Scout meets a much darker side of Mr. Cunningham. She discovers that he is a part of the mob descending on the jail where her father is watching over Tom Robinson. His participation in the racist mob, a group determined to lynch Tom, reflects the broader anxieties of low-class whites during the era. In order to maintain a feeling of power and social status, many poor whites actively sought to harm innocent African Americans. Mr. Cunningham seems set on asserting his dominance until Scout interrupts the group’s confrontation with Atticus. She asks him about his son, a classmate of hers, and this display of innocence and kindness drives him to reevaluate his choices. The fact that Mr. Cunningham is willing to lead the group away highlights the complexity of Maycomb’s social dynamics as well as his personal capacity to learn from others.