Although he has a reputation for being perpetually drunk and out of sorts, Scout, Jem, and Dill discover the truth about Mr. Dolphus Raymond’s character during a brief scene in Chapter 20. Rumors circulate around Maycomb suggesting that ever since his fiancée learned about his affair with a Black woman and committed suicide, he has been steadily drinking. The fact that even children like Jem and Scout are familiar with this narrative emphasizes just how deeply engrained it is into the town’s cultural lore. People see Mr. Raymond drinking out of a bottle hidden inside a paper bag, for example, and quickly assume that the rumors are true. He also spends most of his time among the Black community and shares children with a Black woman, but many white Maycombians dismiss this as a symptom of his drinking.

When Scout, Jem, and Dill run into Mr. Raymond outside of the courtroom, however, he reveals to them that his intoxicated persona is merely a façade he puts on in order to prevent others from criticizing his way of life. The children are surprised to learn that Mr. Raymond merely hides Coca-Cola in his sack, and their fear of him transforms into fascination. Unlike the children, the adults in Maycomb refuse to accept the concept of an interracial relationship and cling to any reason they can find to explain Mr. Raymond’s behavior. As much as he believes that everyone deserves respect, he acknowledges the reality of Maycomb’s strict Southern culture and does what he feels is necessary to protect his family. Including Mr. Raymond in the novel ultimately allows Lee to explore how much people are willing to sacrifice in order to find peace in an antagonistic environment.