44 BCE
Caesar Defeats Pompeians at Munda

Renewed as dictator, then as dictator for life; assassinated March 15

41 BCE–33 BCE
Second Triumvirate Among Mark Antony, Lepidus, Octavian

Antony's Parthian campaigns

33 BCE–30 BCE
Mark Antony—Octavian Civil War

Octavian victorious at Actium, 30 BCE

27 BCE–14 CE
Augustus’s (Octavian’s) Rule

Principate established, 27 BCE and 23 BCE. Advances along Rhine, renewed political stability

14 CE–38 CE
Tiberius’s Rule

Growing autocracy, secluded rule, judicial terrors

38 CE–41 CE
Caligula’s Rule

Caligula becomes increasingly mentally instable, assassinated by Praetorians

41 CE–54 CE
Claudius’s Rule

Administrative advances, frictions with Senate, conquest of Britain and Mauretania

54 CE—68 CE
Nero’s Rule

Good rule at first, then insanity; dynastic intrigues, Rome burns, Christians persecuted, Jewish Revolt begins

69 CE
The Year of Four Emperors

Legions revolt, turn on selves and state, Vespasian wins

79 CE—96 CE
Titus & Domitian

Jewish Revolt ended, increased autocracy, friction with Senate; Domitian murdered

96 CE—98 CE

Alimenta, adoption of Trajan as heir

98 CE—117 CE

Rome at peak of power, prestige. Parthian and Dacian campaigns

117 CE—138 CE

Retrenchment in Parthia, lack of foreign adventures, resentment of Italy and Senate and being “demoted”

138 CE—161 CE
Antoninus Pius

Rome at peak of power, wealth, peace

161 CE—180 CE
Marcus Aurelius Rules

162 CE—165 CE
War Against Parthia

Victories at Dura Europa, Ctesiphon

165 CE—180s CE
Plague Across Roman Lands