Act I

Scene i

Flavius and Murellus scold a crowd of commoners who are celebrating Julius Caesar’s triumphant return to Rome.

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act I, Scene i.

Scene ii

Cassius and Brutus discuss their concerns about Caesar's power. They learn that the people have offered Caesar the opportunity to become king, but so far he has declined.

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act I, Scene ii.

Scene iii

An intense storm hits. Cassius reveals that he has been formulating a plot to overthrow Caesar before he can become king, and that he intends to use forged letters to win Brutus to his side.

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act I, Scene iii.

Act II

Scene i

Brutus is swayed by a letter that arrives, and he meets with the conspirators at his home. They plan to kill Caesar openly.

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act II, Scene i.

Scene ii

Calpurnia begs Caesar to stay home from the Senate, which he reluctantly agrees to do. Decius convinces Caesar to change his mind, suggesting that the senators plan to offer him a crown that day.

Scene iii

Artemidorus positions himself so that he can pass a letter to Caesar warning him of the conspiracy.

Scene iv

Portia has a conversation with the Soothsayer and learns that he intends to wait along Caesar's route to warn him of the ill omens.

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act II, Scenes ii–iv.


Scene i

The conspirators take turns stabbing Caesar to death on the Senate floor. Against Cassius’s advice, Brutus agrees to allow Antony to make a speech about Caesar’s death to the public.

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act III, Scene i.

Scene ii

Brutus gives a speech explaining his reasons for killing Caesar. Antony then gives his speech and sways the crowd to completely reverse their position and violently turn against Brutus, Cassius, and the other conspirators.

Scene iii

A mob mistakes Cinna the poet for Cinna the conspirator, and beat him to death.

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act III, Scenes ii & iii.

Act IV

Scene i

Antony and Octavius discuss the merits of adding Lepidus to their triumvirate.

Scene ii

A disagreement arises between Cassius and Brutus, and the two men withdraw to Brutus’s tent so they are not seen arguing in front of their troops.

Scene iii

Brutus and Cassius make peace, and Brutus admits that he has been emotionally unstable since learning that Portia committed suicide.

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act IV, Scenes i–iii.

Act V

Scene i

The leaders of the upcoming battle meet and exchange insults with one another. Brutus and Cassius reflect on how this battle will mark the end of the events that were put in action by their decision to kill Caesar.

Scene ii

The conspirators and Caesar's supporters fight.

Scene iii

Cassius believes that the battle is going poorly for his side. When he thinks he sees his friend Titinius captured by the enemy, Cassius orders Pindarus to kill him. Titinius realizes that Cassius tragically misinterpreted what he saw, so Titinius kills himself too.

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act V, Scenes i–iii.

Scene iv

Lucillius pretends that he is Brutus, and the Romans capture him. Antony’s men bring him before Antony, who recognizes Lucillius. Antony orders his men to see if the real Brutus is alive or dead.

Scene v

Brutus kills himself, acknowledging that with this act Caesar is finally avenged. Antony states that Brutus genuinely believed he was doing the right thing for Rome, and Octavius agrees that they should bury Brutus with honor.

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act III, Scenes iv & v.