The characters of Sin and Death are two byproducts of Satan’s influence. Their mangled existence spews from horrific origins, paramount in reminding the reader of Satan’s ultimate evil. This reminder is crucial, lest the reader grow too empathetic with Satan’s perspective. Thus, Satan’s perverted offspring demonstrate the consequences of his rebellion, and serve as ominous portents of doom for humankind.
Sin was birthed from Satan’s head as he began his rebellion in Heaven. After Satan violates Sin, she becomes pregnant and births Death, who then in turn assaults his mother. The hounds of hell are a result of their grotesque origins, and Sin and Death also serve as guards of Hell who help build the bridge connecting it to earth. Both illustrate the scale of his fully realized vision. The relationship between Satan, Sin, and Death is allegorical; Satan’s disobedience has resulted in sin, and sin leads to death.
Sin and Death also serve as contorted parallels to Eve and Adam, respectively. Sin’s half-serpent form echoes not only the form that Satan takes when tempting Eve, but also the fact that it is Eve who sins first. Sin is the direct result of sexual taboos and violations, and just as Eve is Adam’s object of devotion, Sin finds herself desired by Satan and Death. Death, in turn, can be seen as a dark parallel to Adam, who seeks to debase his creator and is filled with an all-consuming hunger. Death is the result of Sin, just as Adam’s fall is the result of Eve’s. Ultimately, Sin and Death illustrate the consequences of Satan’s choices as well as Adam and Eve’s; after the Fall of Man, Sin and Death are let loose on the world.