Explain Aristotle's concept of distributive justice.
In what cases and in what ways can an oligarchy and democracy resemble one another? (Hint: demagoguery vs. dynasty.)
Why does Aristotle think that a strong middle class is important? How is this linked with his conclusions in the ##Nicomachean Ethics##?
According to Aristotle, what is the root cause of all constitutional change? Why are certain kinds of constitutions more susceptible to change than others?
Why does Aristotle give instructions on how to preserve a tyranny if he thinks tyrannies are evil?
Aristotle comes up with two conceptions of liberty: (1) an even interchange between ruling and being ruled; and (2) the freedom to do as one pleases. Which of these does he prefer, and why? What is the significance of simultaneously ruling and being ruled?
Trace Aristotle's debate between the life of political activity and the life of philosophical speculation. What arguments does he provide for each? Which does he ultimately conclude is better?