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Introduction and Summary
This chapter presents applications of material learned in the first chapter. It shows how solving equations are useful when dealing with word problems, rate problems, and mean average problems.
One of the most important applications of equations is in solving word problems. Thus, the first section outlines the steps to follow when dealing with a word problem. By breaking them down into simple steps, word problems become less daunting.
The second section deals with a particular type of word problems: rate problems. These problems deal with the relationship between time spent traveling, rate of travel, and total distance traveled. This section explain how to calculate these numbers for a single traveler or for multiple travelers. This is useful to know not only for textbook problems, but also for real life--using the tools learned in this section, you can calculate your own distances, times, and rate of travel.
The third and final section explains how to solve problems dealing with mean averages. It shows, given a set of numbers, how to calculate the number needed to produce a specific average. This is especially useful when dealing with test scores--one can calculate, given one's previous tests, what score one needs on the next test in order to have a certain average.
While the last chapter dealt with the theory behind solving equations, this chapter deals with some of the applications of equations to real life. Equations are useful in many situations, from daily ventures such as shopping and driving, to jobs in the business world. Solving word problems, rate problems, and mean average problems is a useful skill to have. The skills learned in this chapter will help you understand mathematical problems as well as problems you encounter in daily life.
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