Arias, Juan. Paulo Coelho: Confessions of a Pilgrim. London, HarperCollins: 2001
Coelho, Paulo and Shalaka Paradkar, "On The Road." Gulf News (April 2007):
Coelho, Paulo. Warrior of the Light: A Manual, translated from the Portuguese by Margaret Jull Costa. New York, NY: HarperCollins, 2003.
Coelho, Paulo and Kirkus Reviews. "Q&A: Paulo Coelho." Kirkus Reviews 73, no. 11 (1 June 2005): 4.
Coelho, Paulo and Unesco Courier. "The Beyond Is Accessible To Those Who Dare." Unesco Courier vol. 51, no. 3 (March 1998): 34-7.
Goodyear, Dana. "The Magus: The Astonishing Appeal of Paulo Coelho." New Yorker 83, no. 11 (7 May 2007): 38.
Morais, Fernando. Paulo Coelho: A Warrior's Life: The Authorized Biography. New York, NY, HarperLuxe: 2009
Sexton, David. "The High Priest of Spiritual Twaddle." Evening Standard (4 August 2003): 35.
Wark, Penny, "The Meaning of Life? The Joy of Meeting My Many, Many Readers." Times (London) (12 April 2007): 8.