Lucy Albright
The novel’s protagonist, a woman in her early twenties navigating the tumult of her own emotions and needs. Lucy envies what she imagines to be others’ comparative ability to follow their desires and dreams confidently, while she feels buffeted by her anger at CJ’s infidelity, her helpless attraction to Stephen, and her intense need to restrict her eating in order to meet a physical ideal that she believes will make her worthy of love.
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Stephen DeMarco
The novel’s antagonist, Lucy’s love interest throughout college and beyond. Physically compelling despite not being classically handsome, Stephen is charming, seductive, manipulative, and self-centered to the point of narcissism. Throughout the book, Stephen approaches relationships with the cold, calculating perspective of a sociopath, seeing his interactions with others solely as a means to achieving his own goals.
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Cornelia Jane Clifford Albright (CJ)
Lucy’s mother, a commanding and charismatic woman who is often at odds with her daughter. CJ loves Lucy, but her plans for Lucy’s life do not always take Lucy’s own preferences and desires into consideration.
Read an in-depth analysis of CJ Albright
Diana Bunn
A foil to Lucy and Stephen’s on-again, off-again girlfriend at Baird. The earthy and high-spirited Diana is drawn to Stephen despite his frequent infidelity and poor treatment of her.
Jackie Harper
Lucy’s first roommate at Baird, a tennis player from Connecticut who becomes one of Lucy’s inner circle. Jackie is a good listener who cares deeply for Lucy and acts as a voice of reason to counter Lucy’s self-destructive tendencies.
Bree Benson
One of Lucy’s inner circle at Baird, later her roommate in New York. Bree comes from less money than the rest of Lucy’s friends and works hard to be self-sufficient and successful at school and in her career.
CJ’s aunt and surrogate parent, who took CJ in when she ran away from home in high school. Although Lucy does not have memories of Marilyn, her dream of becoming a travel writer was inspired by Marilyn’s travels and her devotion to caring for people with AIDS.
Gabe Peterson
Macy Peterson’s older brother, Lucy’s tennis teacher, and CJ’s lover. Lucy is infatuated with Gabe, who makes advances on her but ultimately rejects her for being too young.
Macy Peterson
Gabe Peterson’s sister. Macy, who is Lucy’s age, is soft-spoken and well liked. Her death in a car accident devastates the community.
Pippa McAllister
A member of Lucy’s inner circle at Baird. Bold and fun-loving, Pippa encourages Lucy to take life less seriously.
Lydia Montgomery
Lucy’s high school best friend. Pragmatic and loyal, Lydia often chides Lucy but remains her trusted friend throughout the book.
Barry Wattenbarger
Lucy’s psychiatrist, a smart, kind, funny man who treats Lucy’s depression and helps her recognize Stephen’s pathological qualities.
Lucy’s surfer boyfriend in New York at the time of Bree’s wedding. Lucy finds him physically attractive but is disheartened by his lack of motivation and his inability to pay back money she lent to him.
Mike Wrigley
Stephen’s friend and Pippa’s first boyfriend at Baird. A popular water polo player with an abundant supply of cocaine, Wrigley is the ringleader of Chops, Stephen’s outlawed underground fraternity.
Georgia Albright
Lucy’s beautiful and kind older sister, already a student at Yale when Lucy starts college.
Parker Lines
Lucy’s high school boyfriend, whom CJ adores. Although Parker is athletic, well liked, and good looking, Lucy finds him dull.
Mr. DeMarco
Stephen’s father, an accountant and devoted family man still grieving the loss of his marriage to Nora. Stephen views him with contempt.
Nora DeMarco
Stephen’s estranged mother, whose untreated bipolar disorder leaves her unable to care for her children.
Sadie DeMarco
Stephen’s teenage sister, who trusts and looks up to him.
Luke DeMarco
Stephen’s older brother. Luke is a principled, hardworking, faithful man who Stephen deems self-righteous.
Luke’s beautiful and devoted girlfriend and later wife.
Stephen’s aunt, who tries to persuade the family to treat her brother, Stephen’s father, with special care.
Lucy’s boss at Suitest, a self-important woman who dislikes both Lucy and Alanna and frequently uses her power to demean them.
Vice president of marketing at Suitest and Melissa’s boss. Harry supports and encourages Lucy’s zeal for travel writing.
Ben Albright
Lucy’s father, a criminal defense attorney who dotes on her.
Billy Boyd
Lucy’s boyfriend at Baird after Stephen graduates, a gentle and introspective man who enjoys nature and yoga and is a stable partner for Lucy.
Alice Edwards
Stephen’s girlfriend in New York after he graduates Baird. Alice is effervescent and is excited to live in New York City after a childhood in Pittsburgh and college at Penn State.
Stephen’s girlfriend in New York, later his fiancée.
Evan Donovan
Stephen’s roommate at Baird who later marries Bree.
Nicole Hart
A student at Baird whom Stephen frequently has casual sex with.
Topher Rigby
A kind, athletic Baird student who Jackie grew up with and who has a fondness for Lucy. Lucy deems Topher to be too short and sexually awkward after a failed hookup.
Officer Gonzalez
A female police officer who arrests Stephen for driving under the influence in high school and whom Stephen actively resents.
Mr. Levy
Lucy’s supportive professor at Baird and the organizer of Writers on the Riviera.