Laurie, also referred to by his full name Theodore or nickname Teddy, is the charming grandson of the March family’s next-door neighbor, Mr. Laurence. Around the same age as Jo, he comes into the girls’ lives in Chapter 3, and he remains an integral part of their stories throughout the rest of the novel. Laurie first appears as a bored and sullen boy, trapped indoors alongside his private tutor with few companions of his own age. This lifestyle represents a stark contrast to the merry and bustling lives of the young March girls, so when Jo learns of his plight, she resolves to get him involved in their fun. This connection emboldens Laurie to express the truest version of himself, allowing him to emerge as a distinctly carefree and rebellious character. Given these qualities, it seems unsurprising that he forms a particularly close friendship with Jo. Both scorn the traditional roles that their society aims to impose upon them and instead search for a different, more creative way to move through the world. For Laurie, that means pursuing music or traveling around the world rather than attending school to become a businessman as his grandfather wishes.
The tension surrounding Laurie’s future only grows as he gets older, and the uncertainties he experiences amplify his emotions. Whenever he finds himself making rash or immoral decisions, however, the influence of the March girls manages to reorient his perspective. He despises the idea of going to college, for example, but Meg’s maternal guidance and comfort ultimately persuades him to go. Similarly, he allows the girls’ moral compass to inform his own behavior at school, although he still gets into his fair share of predicaments. Including this dynamic in the novel allows Alcott to explore the effects of the March family’s values outside the home. Laurie becomes an even more endearing character because of the numerous ways in which the girls save him from the corrupting forces of wealth, vanity, and idleness. At the same time that he experiences heightened feelings toward his career prospects, Laurie is also overcome with passion for Jo. He boldly declares his love for her once she returns from New York, and he suffers greatly in the wake of her rejection. Despite many readers hoping that they would get married, Alcott ensures that Laurie grows enough to find a match that truly complements him.
The final stage of Laurie’s maturation occurs during his trip to Europe and subsequent marriage to Amy. He begins this journey at the suggestion of his grandfather, who recognizes his pain, and initially treats it as an opportunity to indulge himself and wallow in self-pity. As the March girls always do, Amy serves as a voice of reason for him and calls out his poor behavior. Her guidance helps him realize that she, with her self-assurance and sensibility, is a perfect match for him. Their eventual marriage brings out the best in Laurie, offering him a sense of peace that he lacked for many years, and allows him to embrace the role of a family man.