wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo.
do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times.
But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what
to do with the time that is given us.”
This exchange occurs in Book I, Chapter 2,
as Gandalf explains the history of the Ring to Frodo. The “it” to
which Frodo refers is the finding of the Ring by Gollum, as well
as the return of Sauron. Gandalf’s response to Frodo’s lament is
at once heroic and fatalistic. The wizard’s words are heroic because
they insist that one must rise to the challenge offered by one’s
time. At the same time, however, there is also the suggestion that
one is born at a particular time and in a particular place for a
certain preordained purpose. The decision is, of course, not one’s
own to make; however, Gandalf does imply that it is a decision that
is made somewhere—that Gandalf and Frodo’s “time”
has been “given” to them. This sense of purpose, of fate assigning
roles to certain people, surfaces in many other such passages in The
Lord of the Rings, in which ancient prophecies assign characters
to certain tasks. Indeed, as Aragorn says, the War of the Ring is
fated to be Gandalf’s greatest battle. These pervasive references
to preordainment and prophecy link Tolkien’s novel to earlier epics
and mythologies, most notably those of ancient Greece. Like many
of the characters in The Lord of the Rings, the
Greek gods and mortals are at the mercy of fate, often in the form
of prophecies made long before the characters were even alive. Despite
this emphasis on fate, however, free will does play a significant
part in Tolkien’s novel. Frodo is perhaps the ideal Ring-bearer,
as his strength of character enables him to accept his fated role,
yet also to retain a sense of free will in the face of the powerful,
corrupting influence of the Ring.