Husband to Pheoby, Sam is at times a humorous presence, adding lightness to his, Janie, and Pheoby’s talks on the porch. He is also solid, logical, and forthright, bringing insight and clarity when the residents of Eatonville begin to take issue with Jody Starks and his posture of self-importance, as well as some of the decisions he makes regarding town governance. Sam is the voice in the crowd willing to offer an alternate opinion, as he’s able to discern the good Jody does despite his unfavorable tactics. Sam is a man who values hard work, believes that the progress of Eatonville is for the mutual good, and is thus more willing to defend Jody when he becomes the subject of critical conversation. Sam is a grounded, self-assured presence in a group of men always fighting to be right or prove their importance. Sam chooses his words carefully, and his opinion is respected and sought after.
Sam also has a unique position in the lives of Janie and Jody because of his proximity as Pheoby’s husband. At the surface, Sam would likely be considered more of a friend to Jody, but he displays real love and loyalty for Janie, too. Although Jody’s treatment of Janie is the subject of a lot of chatter around town, Sam is perhaps one of the only men comfortable enough to comment on it from a place of conviction and authority. His trustworthiness is observed not just by Janie, but also by Jody. On his deathbed—estranged as he is from Janie—Jody asks that Sam be the one to relay the news of his passing to her.