At a Glance:

Full Title Ender's Game

AuthorOrson Scott Card

In-depth Facts:

Type of WorkNovel

GenreScience fiction


Time and place writtenBegun in 1975 in Salt Lake City, Utah, the story was published in 1977 as a short story and completed in novel form in 1985.

Date of first publication1977 (as a short story); 1985 (as a book)

PublisherTom Doherty

NarratorOmniscient narrator

ClimaxThe climax of the novel occurs when Ender fights what he thinks is his final test in Command School but what is actually the last battle of the Third Invasion.

ProtagonistEnder Wiggin

AntagonistMostly Peter Wiggin, but also the adults in the book

Setting (time)The future

Setting (place)The book starts on earth, and quickly moves into space, although earth plays a prominent role until the end.

Point of viewMost of the book is presented from Ender's point of view, although we are occasionally allowed inside the head of a few other characters.

Falling actionEnder finds the landscape that the buggers created for him and follows it to the message they left him—the last remaining bugger queen, still a mere pupa.

TenseImmediate past

ForeshadowingEach chapter starts with a conversation between two adults, usually members of the I.F. high command, and their discussion foreshadows the events of the chapter.

ToneThe tone is increasingly urgent as the book progresses.

SymbolsEnder as good; Peter as evil

ThemesGames; the role of children; compassion; ruthlessness

MotifsFriend/enemy; humanity


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