Alis is a servant in the Spring Court, and upon Feyre’s arrival, acts as her handmaid while also fulfilling other duties around the palace. She is a practical fairy driven by her determination to keep her two nephews safe. While she was not initially a member of the Spring Court, she beseeched Tamlin to take her in, as she knew her family would be protected there. She’s initially wary of Feyre, but nonetheless gives her useful advice on how to navigate court politics and stay safe from malicious fairies. As Feyre’s stay at the Spring Court lengthens, the two develop a more comfortable and respectful relationship.

A Court of Thorns and Roses has strong themes of duty and protection, and most of its main and side characters are burdened to some extent with the duty of protecting the well-being of more vulnerable people. Alis is one of the novel’s many protectors, all of whom come in different forms and with different backstories and motives. While High Lords like Tamlin and Rhysand have a duty of protection that extends beyond immediate family, Alis and Feyre are focused on caring for their families, who would be unable to survive without them. Alis’s situation is particularly dire, as her two young nephews have been orphaned after their parents – Alis’s sister and her mate – were murdered by Aramantha upon the Queen’s rise to power. Alis is their only guardian, and therefore she cannot fail them. Alis and Feyre bond over their shared responsibilities, and it is due to Alis’s help that Feyre is ultimately able to find and save Tamlin.