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1Congress passed the Pendleton Act after

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2How did the Civil Service Commission eliminate the spoils system?

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3Coxey’s Army marched on Washington, D.C., in the hopes of winning

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4Populists campaigned for all of the following except

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5The Pullman Strike of 1894

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6Some big businessmen such as Andrew Carnegie vertically integrated their corporations by

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7John D. Rockefeller of Standard Oil practiced horizontal integration by

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8What act of Congress was prompted by the Supreme Court’s ruling in the 1886 Wabash case?

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9Why was the Sherman Anti-Trust act significant?

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10The western frontier at the end of the nineteenth century was most transformed by

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11The National Labor Union and the Knights of Labor were similar in that both represented

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12Membership in the Knights of Labor dwindled after

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13The American Federation of Labor differed from the Knights of Labor in that

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14From what region did most new immigrants in the United States come at the end of the nineteenth century?

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15Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois disagreed on the issue of racial equality in that

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16Congress passed the Dawes Severalty Act in 1887 in order to

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17Upton Sinclair’s novel The Jungle prompted Congress to pass the

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18What did historian Frederick Jackson Turner argue in 1893?

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19Why was President Garfield assassinated?

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20The Pendleton Act was passed to

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21The McKinley Tariff raised the tariff rate to about

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22Why was the Republican Party politically weak throughout the Gilded Age?

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23The Depression of 1893 depleted the U.S. Treasury so much that the federal government had to

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24Tycoon Cornelius Vanderbilt transformed the railroad industry completely by

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25In which case did the Supreme Court rule that only the federal government could regulate interstate trade?

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26Which tycoon made steel into one of the nation’s biggest industries?

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27Many middle-class Americans disliked labor unions in the late nineteenth century because

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28Why did membership in the National Labor Union fade in the mid-1870s?

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29The Sherman Anti-Trust Act was most often used to prosecute

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30In which case did the Supreme Court legalize “separate but equal” public facilities for whites and blacks?

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31Social Darwinists believed that

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32Many farmers in the Midwest hated the railroad companies because they

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33The Populist movement was born out of the

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34Cleveland’s second presidential term was plagued by all of the following crises except

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35Which of the following men delivered the famous “Cross of Gold” speech?

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36The Populists’ dream of free silver ended when Congress and McKinley passed

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37What was the primary reason Benjamin Harrison lost the election of 1892?

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38Members of the Ghost Dance Movement sought to

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39Roosevelt’s Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine effectively stipulated that

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40All of the following inventions transformed American life in the late 1800s except

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41What was the main reason Woodrow Wilson won the election of 1912?

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42With which Native American tribes did the United States fight wars?

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43Which of the following affected African Americans most directly?

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44Farmers were represented by all of the following except

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45Roosevelt announced his Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine out of fear that

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46Whom did Jane Addams’s Hull House strive to help?

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47As the head of which institution did Booker T. Washington push for improved education for blacks?

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48John Hay’s Open Door Notes requested that Japan and Europe

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49Taft alienated progressive Republicans and voters by supporting the

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50Theodore Roosevelt’s Square Deal domestic agenda called for