1 of 50
1During what international war did the Russian Revolution take place?

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2What calendar did Russia use until February 1918?

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3Which tsar did terrorists assassinate in 1881?

4 of 50
4What slogan was shouted during the February Revolution?

5 of 50
5The February Revolution began as a(n)

6 of 50
6Where was the tsar during the February Revolution?

7 of 50
7As a result of the February Revolution, the tsar

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8After the February Revolution, how many organizations claimed to be the new Russian government?

9 of 50
9The provisional government was made up of

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10Which country’s government aided Lenin in returning to Russia?

11 of 50
11Upon his return to Russia, how did Lenin view revolutionaries outside his own party?

12 of 50
12What slogan did Lenin use following his arrival in Russia in April 1917?

13 of 50
13What was the set of ideas that Lenin expressed in the newspaper Pravda following his return to Russia?

14 of 50
14During the summer following the February Revolution, what did Lenin initially believe was the best strategy for starting a second revolution?

15 of 50
15The Bolshevik Party drew its support primarily from

16 of 50
16The Petrograd Soviet was a(n)

17 of 50
17Which of the following events seriously weakened the Bolsheviks?

18 of 50
18Which of the following seriously weakened the provisional government?

19 of 50
19Who was Lavr Kornilov?

20 of 50
20What happened as a result of the July Putsch?

21 of 50
21Which is true of the Bolsheviks during August and September 1917?

22 of 50
22In early October 1917 all of the following were true of the Bolsheviks except

23 of 50
23Which two Bolsheviks were most strongly against starting the revolution sooner rather than later?

24 of 50
24Which action did the provisional government take against the Bolsheviks just prior to the October Revolution?

25 of 50
25Who were the “junkers”?

26 of 50
26What was the Aurora?

27 of 50
27Why did it take an entire day for the Bolsheviks to capture the Winter Palace?

28 of 50
28During the February Revolution, what sparked the mutiny among the soldiers?

29 of 50
29After the October Revolution, what was Lenin’s first official act?

30 of 50
30What happened to Kerensky after the revolution?

31 of 50
31What representative body was meeting in Petrograd on the same day as the October Revolution?

32 of 50
32What was the official name of Lenin’s new government?

33 of 50
33Which former critic of Lenin chaired the Executive Committee?

34 of 50
34What was the immediate reaction of Russian upper classes to the October Revolution?

35 of 50
35What was the Bolsheviks’ initial policy regarding the Constituent Assembly?

36 of 50
36How did the Bolsheviks fare in the elections for the Constituent Assembly?

37 of 50
37 Which best describes the response to the October Revolution in Moscow?

38 of 50
38 Who became the Russian foreign minister under Lenin?

39 of 50
39Immediately following the October Revolution, what was the state of the Bolsheviks’ plans for managing the country?

40 of 50
40Which organization was headed by Felix Dzerzhinsky?

41 of 50
41How many times did the Constituent Assembly meet?

42 of 50
42The Red Terror was a response to which event?

43 of 50
43In March 1918, the Russian capital was moved to

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44In the Russian Civil War, who were the Bolsheviks’ opponents?

45 of 50
45Which representative body replaced the Constituent Assembly?

46 of 50
46The Kornilov affair can best be summed up as

47 of 50
47All of the following were groups involved in the Russian Civil War except

48 of 50
48When did the Russian Civil War begin?

49 of 50
49The Cheka was a forerunner of the

50 of 50
50The USSR finally collapsed in


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