1 of 53
The chief threat to Rome's eastern borders in the 160s were the

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In the time of Marcus Aurelius, the method of imperial succession was

3 of 53
Who were the first Germanic Barbarians to invade Roman lands and when?

4 of 53
Who was Caligula's successor, and how did he become Emperor?

5 of 53
The Flavian emperors were of what background?

6 of 53
Augustus' reforms did not include

7 of 53
Pax Romana refers to

8 of 53
Latifundia began as

9 of 53
The Parthians were

10 of 53
The Triumvirate was

11 of 53
When as the Jewish revolt?

12 of 53
Christianity's status under Nero was

13 of 53
In the eyes of Roman society, craftsmen were

14 of 53
Praetorian Prefect was

15 of 53
Which of the following is not a reason Germanic tribes presented little danger to Rome prior to 200 CE?

16 of 53
Comitatus was

17 of 53
Who brought Rome's borders to the German lands?

18 of 53
Why was Agrippina murdered?

19 of 53
What was Cleopatra's role at Actium?

20 of 53
What was the Barbarian attitude to Rome?

21 of 53
Who conquered Dacia?

22 of 53
When was the second Jewish revolt?

23 of 53
What were the auxiliaries?

24 of 53
Sejanus was

25 of 53
Alimenta was begun under

26 of 53
When was the first recorded persecution of Christians by Rome?

27 of 53
The Principate began to emerge in

28 of 53
Equites were

29 of 53
Bedricum II was in

30 of 53
Agrippa was

31 of 53

32 of 53
Britain was conquered in

33 of 53
Who was not one of the Four Emperors?

34 of 53
When did Caesar die?

35 of 53
The core of Roman society was

36 of 53
Who put down the Jewish Revolt?

37 of 53
Who killed Claudius?

38 of 53
What was the importance to Rome of North Africa?

39 of 53
Marcus Aurelius

40 of 53
Until 7 CE Augustus' goal in Germany was

41 of 53
The foundation of Roman law was

42 of 53
By 96, the Senate

43 of 53
When did Rome burn?

44 of 53
Marcomanni were

45 of 53
Germans learned of Rome

46 of 53
How were Caesar and Augustus related?

47 of 53
Hellenism attracted

48 of 53
The Praetorian Guard was

49 of 53
Claudius was disliked

50 of 53
Who was the most favorite emperor after Augustus?

51 of 53
Who innovated a standing army?

52 of 53
Otho became emperor through

53 of 53
What was not one of Augustus' reforms?