Beginning of Europe’s last major food crisis and famine throughout the Continent

Karl Marx publishes The Communist Manifesto

February 24, 1848
Revolution in France; overthrow of the monarchy of King Louis-Philippe; proclamation of the creation of the French Second Republic

March 1848
Uprisings in some German states; granting of constitutional reforms in Prussia

March 1848-June 1849
Revolutions in Italy

April 1848
Revolutions in Vienna, Budapest, and Prague

May 1848
Frankfurt Assembly meets and proposes a plan for the unification of Germany; Prussian king refuses to take the crown

December 1848
Louis Napoleon wins presidential election in France

Crimean War

Austria declares war on the Kingdom of Sardinia, allied with France

Charles Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection

Sardinia annexes provinces in central Italy after plebiscites

France receives Savoy and Nice

March 3, 1861
Emancipation of Russian serfs

March 14, 1861
Kingdom of Italy proclaimed with King Victor Immanuel II as king

US Civil War

Maximilian crowned emperor of Mexico

Prussia and Austria at war with Denmark over Schleiswig and Holstein.

Seven Weeks’ War between Prussia and Austria

Italy acquires Venetia

Karl Marx publishes Das Kapital

July 1870-January 1891
Franco-Prussian War ends with capitulation of French Second Empire

September 20, 1870
Italy annexes Rome

January 18, 1871
German Empire proclaimed