The 7 Most Embarrassing Proposals in Literature

There are episodes of certain TV shows that I cannot watch without wanting to fly into the sun, so it should come as no surprise that I will throw a book out the window the second things start getting a little awkward.
And things are NEVER more awkward than when someone’s proposing. People will tell you the worst thing that can happen is that the other person says no, but that’s not even remotely true. The worst thing that can happen is you screw up the proposal and become so embarrassed that you burst into flames, after which you die and your memory fades into total obscurity while your lover marries someone else who had the good sense NOT to screw up the proposal, and also not burst into flames. That is the worst thing that can happen.
Just putting together this slideshow was almost the end of me, so if you can read these without wanting to die, you’re probably better than me and would likely best me in physical combat. Anyway! Let’s begin!
Start the slide show