Devereaux, Elizabeth, "Publishers Weekly Interviews Gary Paulsen." Publishers Weekly, v. 241 70–1 March 28, 1994.
Fine, Edith Hope. Gary Paulsen: Author and Wilderness Adventurer. New York: Enslow, 2000.
Gutner, Howard. Teaching the Novels of Gary Paulsen. New York: Scholastic 2000.
Handy, Alice Evans, "An Interview with Gary Paulsen." Book Report, v. 10 28–31 May/June 1991.
McElmeel, Sharron L. 100 Most Popular Children's Authors. Libraries Unlimited, 1999.
Paulsen, Gary. Guts: The True Stories Behind Hatchet and the Brian Books. New York: Delacorte Books for Young Readers, 2001.
Paulsen, Gary. The Beet Fields: Memories of a Sixteenth Summer. Delacorte, 2000.
Savner, Gary M. Presenting Gary Paulsen. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1996.